Comparison between Acid Alkaline Diet and Alkaline-5 Diet

Comparison between Acid Alkaline Diet and Alkaline-5 Diet 2017-06-23T09:48:24+00:00

Acid Alkaline Diet is a basic introductory program which introduces the best way to avoid metabolic disasters that affect so many people, due to improper acid-alkaline balance. This translates to eating a sensible alkaline diet (less meat and dairy and more vegetables, healthy Omega 3 oils and some fruits). And also it’s about eating alkaline based foods that help the body maintain correct blood pH, as well as engaging in lifestyle activities that promote an alkaline environment in the body.

By making these changes to your diet, your body is able to boost its immune system more efficiently, plus, metabolism is improved as well. This not only gives you more energy, it helps you lose weight in a healthy and convenient way. The main component of this dietary plan is to eat more alkaline foods and reduce your intake of acidic foods.

Now, let’s proceed to the Alkaline-5 Diet System. We already knew that alkaline diet is a diet based around eating lots of alkaline foods which balances pH level. So what’s the major difference of the two? Basically the 1st one is only an introductory and is not that detailed. It’s more generalized and only gives suggestions and resources. Whereas, with the Alkaline 5 Diet, which is a newer alkaline diet plan, is more systematized and meets 5 specific criteria. It’s SIMPLE, SATISFYING, SUPER-HEALTHY, SUSTAINABLE and SYSTEMATIZED since you get to eat 5 meals per day and each one has a specific role in optimizing your health without the need of “cheat days”.

With the Alkaline-5 diet system you’ll discover the convenient way to eat healthy, how to eat healthy in an alkaline on a budget, how to eat and suppress your fat genes, and the 2 secret weapon foods that will keep you satisfied and suppress any cravings for junk foods.

The new Alkaline 5 Diet includes a 42 page alkaline diet guide book, The full color Alkaline 5 Diet recipe guide with 19 printable meal photo cards and shopping list, a 20 minute video explaining the 5 meals, and a handy easy to follow infographic like poster that you can print for everyday reference. Another plus is that you’re given access to their private members-only Facebook group.

You can grab a copy by just downloading the package file from the secure online member’s area for just $47 with a lifetime access.

The Alkaline-5 is more advanced than the Acid Alkaline Diet when it comes to planning and daily meals and actually sticking to an alkaline diet long term for the bets health and healing benefits.

“Check out The Acid Alkaline Diet here”

“Check out the Alkaline 5 Diet”

“Check out Alkaline Diet Vitality”

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